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Testimonials for Emily Ball’s 2023 Workshops in Orlando 


“The Floribunda workshop was such a joy.  Emily Ball’s unique techniques were challenging and fun! They caused me to create in a new way, which resulted in a sense of freedom to just enjoy the process and not be concerned about the outcome.  Emily provided fabulous instruction, guidance, and encouragement. I highly recommend this workshop!” – DK

“Emily Ball’s Floribunda workshop was one of the best art experiences I’ve ever had. Artists of all levels, amateur to pro, walked away with new insights in how to look, approach, and reinvent their work. Emily is not only a master of color mixing, but her unconventional techniques of guiding us to create the feeling of the flowers — our own response to them — allowed for everyone to create something different and authentically ours. Emily is so generous with her knowledge and a natural at guiding other artists. I give it 11 stars because it was off-the-charts amazing.” – EG

“Flowers have always been my thing. But this class really pushed me to experience the process of painting flowers differently. I continue to use the exercises I was introduced to in this class all the time. One of the most exciting things for me was the way Emily wove different approaches into her teaching style. Sometimes we slowed down, sometimes we sped up. We used all our senses. We worked spontaneously and intuitively. But we also brought in reflection and intention. Everything was designed to help us find our own bold marks and creative arrangements of color. And it was so much fun!” – DHM

“Emily’s Floribunda workshop came at just the right time for me.  I was ready to expand my mind and my approach to painting.  She really helped me to do that. This was, hands down, one of the best painting workshops I’ve taken.  Emily will gently nudge you and challenge you to see the world in a new way, and then express that on the canvas. A year later, I’m still putting into practice the things I learned in this course.  It’s worth every penny……meeting new friends who are likeminded creatives is icing on the cake!” — DP

“Thank you so much for the wonderful Floribunda workshop.  It was a joy!  It was such a treat to be around so many talented artists and all-round sweet people.  It was a fabulous success!” – LK

Master Class

“Learning from Emily is a wonderful artistic adventure! After spending time with her, I am more aware of my creative desires and better equipped to reach for them with energy and courage. I plant to make her workshop an annual event.” – JY

“I attended Emily’s Floribunda class in addition to taking the Master Class. Her demonstrations and exercises on how to interpret a flower-filled studio in 2 dimensions were mesmerizing. I didn’t want to stop!  The Master Class continued the momentum of playful, loose, energetic painting with my personal subject. Emily’s voice continues to resonate with me: “Be brave with painting!” – KdB

“I recently took Emily Ball‘s Master Class and was rewarded with an instructor from a different region of the world with many unique insightful view’s on looking at and creating my art.

Utterly charming, knowledgeable, and creative, she gave me a rich experience and I would gladly do it again to further learn technique, use of materials, and creative mark making.” – MJM

“I had taken online classes with Emily Ball in the past and was always rewarded to be able to study under her via Zoom. But the experience of in-person interaction with her was even better. To have her engaging with me and my artwork in real time was so meaningful. She is masterful at meeting each participant where they are at, helping them to articulate and achieve their personal goals. Watching her tailor her direction to meet each individual’s needs, I knew I was in the presence, not only of a great artist, but also a top-notch educator. The ways she pushed me in the class helped me take my artwork in a new direction that is continuing to unfold and bringing me a lot of joy. I am so grateful for her humor, wisdom, approachability, and fortitude in holding me outside of my comfort zone so that I could grow. If you are considering signing up – do it! You will not regret it.” – BM